A few of the guys at work have been working a the
Rhapsody Facebook Plugin. I'm new to Facebook but, the plugin is pretty cool. You can search for music (all the normal artist/album/song) play music right in the site, and even send recommendations to your friends.
Dropping the player on somebody's wall while being simultaneously unobtrusive is pretty nice too.
Since my facebook account is pretty new, I just treat the site like a lightweight music player.
If you're into the whole social networking thing, give it a try.
Labels: facebook, review, rhapsody
Today I was doing some refactoring in RAD (Rational Application Developer) and found my self looking over in the package explorer thinking gee I’ll have to move that method over to the class I just created to get rid of the two classes I’m factoring out. I looked over and thought I should be able to just drag it down into the other class. BAM like a champ when I grabbed that green orb it moved right over when I plopped it down on the new class, updated all the reference just like I would have done it via ALT+SHIFT+V and navigate around to the class I wanted it to go.
Normally I’m a keyboard Jedi but I guess I’ll be making an exception.
Labels: development, IDE, NTFT, RAD, TOOLS

Sometimes I'm a little stupid, maybe, a little slow in the head, so I'm wondering if you can help me get something straight....

It's been a long time since I've blogged anything political but, this onion article is the funniest thing I've read in a loooong time.
Beware, NOT for children. Don't read it while drinking beer either. It's gonna hurt coming out your nose.
After reading that be sure to catch
the most important issue in the 2008 elections.
Labels: opinion, satire
I really like Eclipse but, something has been bothering me for a while.
- Eclipse is build upon an OSGi framework called Equinox
- OSGi is supposed to support install/remove/restart and version-ing of bundles
- Eclipse plugins are OSGi bundles
So why the heck does Eclipse need to restart after installing new plugins?
Why does it need to restart when updating plugins?
Isn't one of the major points of OSGi to make that unnecessary?
Labels: eclipse, Equinox, opinion, OSGi, review
I'll admit, this post is a bit tongue in cheek.
It's mostly inspired by the numerous Rails Community anti-Java posts. For the record, I don't see J2EE and RoR as competing. They each have different strengths and weaknesses and excel in different areas.
Anyway (images from
Median Salary by City - Skill: Ruby on Rails (United States)
These are in no way comprehensive, or even accurate, considering according to these guys I'm way over the median. But, as they say, nothing lies like polls, statistics, drunks and children. And nothings impresses like pretty charts
;-) Median Salary by City - Skill: J2EE (United States)
The difference in median pay (in my area) is a new car every two years.
It's interesting to note that there were 126 respondents to the Rails survey and 959 for the J2EE survey.
I couldn't find any cool charts on number of job postings by category, but, I tend to use job postings as one of the best predictors (and validators) of a technology. One of my primary objectives, as an engineer, is to stay employed and employable.
A quick check on computerjobs.com shows: 171 Ruby Jobs and 2689 Java jobs
dice.com shows
636 Ruby Jobs and
14856 java jobs.
I think one of the primary reasons that the pay will be lower for RoR is actually the fault of the RoR community. The framework is constantly promoted as
making development very simple and easy. Yet, you often hear, even form the experts, that Java is
hard and complex. It is quite a bit harder to negotiate a higher salary to perform an "easy" task.
I think to bring salaries up, they need to drop the "easy" part. Development is hard, and no language or platform is going to change that. We solve complex problems. Complex problems are hard to solve. period. They should focus on the productivity gains in the areas where Rails shines, and try to avoid the areas where it doesn't.
Anyway, happy monday
Brian requested it
PHP: dice shows
2225 jobs
.Net shows
12333 jobs on dice.com
Update:if by wiskey (someone with a cooler domain name than me) has a
comparison for the UK. His post is based on pragmatism, not the normal emo stuff we usually see. His blog is pretty cool too.
Update (again)
:Al Lee (aka Dr. Salary) has published an informative
post on this subject (much more informative than my satire). And considering his background, he knows a lot more about the subject than I. His post is definitely worth a read (I just added his blog to my google reader).